Plumbing Services

How To Easily Reset the Reset Button On An Electric Hot Water Heater


Alright, in this video I’m going to show you how to reset the reset button if you’ve tripped the reset button in your electric hot water tank.

This particular one is a 40 gallon General Electric one, and about two years old at the time I’m filming this.

And it has like two elements on it, one on the bottom, one on the top, and the reset button popped on me.

I was working on something upstairs electrical and I think it popped the switch. So what I’m going to do is.

You want to make sure the power is off before you go into the patch panel here. So I’m going to undo these two screws.

There’s one at the bottom. Then once you get these two screws out, you will more than likely will see some insulation in the way.

And on this unit the reset button is right here so you’re gonna push it back in and that just kinda reset the electric to go to the bottom element and stuff. You’re gonna wanna put the fiberglass insulation back in.

Make sure you have your cover the right way. You never want to leave this uncovered because someone could get electrocuted if they happen to brush up against the wires inside.

If you have any pets they like to jump on top of an electric hot water heater, God only knows what they can get in to.

Basically you hit that reset button and put the cover back on.

You’re probably going to want to wait twenty minutes to a half hour and see if that has solved the issue for you. I hope that you liked the video and I hope this helps.

Hot Water Systems

Why A Dux Hot Water System Is A Great Choice

Dux hot water systems is the largest locally owned manufacturer of hot water systems in Australia.

They are a great consideration for you if you are looking for a quality hot water system.

The company spends time and a huge amount of money on developing technology that is environmentally friendly. This enables it to come up with some of the greenest hot water heaters in Australia.

Dux hot water system gives you high quality and continuous hot water.

In addition, it enables you to save money because it uses less energy. Furthermore, it reduces environmental pollution.

Inline Plumbing has many years of experience in the purchase, installation and servicing of Dux hot water systems throughout Sydney.

The team at Inline Plumbing make sure that we help customers select the best hot water systems for their circumstances which also meet high-quality standards. We are happy to recommend a Dux hot water heater for customers.

How to choose the Dux hot water heater capacity that meets your needs

This depends on how many bathrooms you have as well as the number of people that are using hot water at one time. Other factors considered include the number of washing machines, dishwashers as well as the availability of bathtubs.

The climate of the area and the pressure that hot water comes out with will also affect your needs.

Here Is Why You Should Consider Choosing A Dux Hot Water Heating Systems:

  • Low maintenance cost
  • Easy to install
  • Long service life
  • Available in both single and double element
  • Water flows to all taps at full pressure
  • Highly versatile in the sense that similar unit can be installed both indoors and outdoors
  • The steel tanks are made of high-quality material which makes it durable.
  • Dux is one of the best companies in Australia
  • Comes with 7 year tank warranty
  • Resistant to moisture and any form of damage
  • Attractive appliances with a modern outlook
  • Colour-coded indicators for inlet and outlet of cold and hot water respectively
  • Watermark approved. This guarantees you high-quality hot water
Hot Water Systems

Wilson Hot Water Systems

Hot Water Systems

How to compare the efficiency of hot water heaters

The Best Hot Water Heaters For Energy Efficiency?

Thanks to the government introduction of backed ratings standards which requires hot water heaters to be rated, you can now easily compare any hot water heater brand against another.

This is however impossible for hot water heaters that aren’t of the same type such as electricity and gas as their ratings are made on different basis.

Mode of electricity production

The way electricity is generated varies from place to place.

To clarify this, New South Wales generates its electricity by the use of coal while Hobart gets its power supply from hydroelectricity. Comparing the two scenarios, we can conclude that the power in South Wales has the greenhouse effect on the environment while Hobart’s hydropower which is renewable is totally environment friendly.

By opting for solar panels or other environmental friendly solutions such as the wind generator, you will have helped reduce carbon emission significantly.

Registering for Green Power can be another good option too. Heat pumps, boosters and electric tank are a good option for those in places that have renewed energy but since most of Australia’s electricity is fuel energy, we opt for the former recommendations.

Which hot water heaters are most efficient?

In order of most to least efficient, here is guide to help you.

Solar hot water heaters

Solar hot water heaters are considered the best energy alternative. Although their main source of energy is the sun, one could boost it with gas. You would however lower it’s highly rated efficiency and make it come second if one decides to boost it with a non-renewable energy source.

Gas hot water heaters

This is what scientists consider the best option just after solar power.

Tied together with LPG, natural gas can be found from continuous sources and the efficient ones are rated at 5 stars. Natural gases in tanks are only effective in small households with up to four people. LPG is however friendlier to the environment although it requires one to dig deeper in to their pockets.

Heat pump hot water heaters

You should only opt for this if you can’t totally find natural gas or solar power around your area.

Although its efficiency is high compared to electric storage, what brings it down is the fact that its carbon emissions are high and this contributes negatively to the environment. The technology it uses can be matched to geothermal systems.

Electric hot water heaters

Electric hot water heaters run using non-renewable energy sources and their efficiency is regarded as poor. Statistics confirm that they contribute not less than 4 tons of greenhouse gases every year.

If your are environmentally conscious it is recommended to replace electric hot water heaters with solar power or any other of the above alternatives if solar is hard to find.

Doing so could save a household a lot of money and also keep the environment sustainable.

In the case that you have gas and don’t have electricity, it is recommended that you implement the use of a heat pump.

Plumbing Services

Having Commercial Plumbing Problems?

3 Everyday Concerns & Commercial Plumbing Problems

Office managers and business owners in New South Wales have a lot more to worry about with their workplace plumbing, as opposed to the worrying done by residents of private homes.

If a pipe leaks or a toilet experiences issues at home, you can simply do work around it until a plumber arrives to resolve it.

However, in a commercial setting, a problem with the plumbing system can critically impact your business, resulting in a harder to work in space for your employees, and reducing your customers’ experience in your business.

When looking for a plumber, you need a professional who understands the differences between residential plumbing and commercial plumbing, and can respond appropriately.

Here are 3 typical concerns with commercial plumbing that any plumber you call in should understand.

  1. Higher Demand At home, you have only a small number of sinks and toilets, working for a handful of people. Yet in a commercial space, you surely have users and a lot more hard working appliances. Higher demand signifies a more complex plumbing system, and also more likelihood of a breakdown in any given section at any given time.
  2. The Need for Expediency As mentioned above, a commercial plumbing complication needs to be corrected fast, before your business is potentially affected. A non functioning toilet, for instance, limits customers and staff options when they need to use the bathroom: a less-than-ideal situation for all parties involved. This means a good plumber has to work quickly to save you from losing money, while still making sure the job gets done right.
  3. Higher Stories Most office workspaces are often located in towers with multiple stories, with bathrooms and kitchens on all levels. This brings gravity into the equation, which has the ability to cause a lot of trouble for the plumber to deal with.

If you’re an office manager or business owner with a commercial plumbing problems, call the professionals at Inline Plumbing right away!

Plumbing Services

Having Plumbing Problems?

3 Common Plumbing Problems To Watch Out For In Winter

Winter has arrived in Australia and the cold weather has already started growing over New South Wales.

This poses a great deal of unique risks for your plumbing system, which can result in a big problem if you’re not careful.

Plumbers usually stay very busy during winter, encountering common plumbing problems.

The sooner you are aware of these problems, as well as the more you know what to look for, the faster you can respond and save yourself from a big bill.

1. Grease in Your Pipes

Warm, thick comfort foods are the perfect meals to enjoy during the cooler seasons. Whilst preparing food, be sure that you don’t let anything that could block or clog the drain fall down in it. In particular, you should never pour hot grease and fats down your drain.

They will solidify quickly in the coolness of your pipes and can easily cause blockages if you let them. Avoid at all costs pouring any oils, grease or hot fats down your drain during winter cooking, and if you notice signs of a clog, call in a plumber to check the problem out.

2. Frozen Pipes

Frozen pipes are a huge problem in the outer Sydney suburbs and the regional areas of New South Wales in the winter.

When water freezes in your pipes, it puts a lot of pressure on your plumbing system, potentially even bursting a few pipes.

Luckily, preventing frozen pipes is as easy as running your water outlets and faucets just a tiny bit, only letting them trickle when you turn them off, and by leaving the heat turned on overnight. Plumbers can also insulate pipes that are near an outside wall or in similar troubled spots to keep the water from freezing.

3. Burst Hot Water Systems

The extra burden during the winter months usually sees a spike of hot water systems needing to be replaced. Check your hot water heater for leaks or potential faults.

If you require help with any plumbing problem or have any plumbing concerns, call us today.

Plumbing Services

Have A Water Leak Under Your Slab?

3 Ways to Spot A Slab Leak

A slab leak is a serious problem in your house, mainly because it can be very hard to detect or access.

The problem becomes apparent when a pipe that is built into the base of your house, beneath a concrete courtyard or another inaccessible location, springs what would usually be an ordinary leak. These days, plumbers can use advanced technology to identify the leak and repair the pipe, but the main issues arise when detecting it.

The further along a slab leak goes, the increase in damage it causes, and while Sydney has its share of professional plumbers, they won’t be much help if you don’t know how to catch the signs of trouble when they come about.

Hence, here are three ways to detect a slab leak that can save you a lot of cash.

  1. Spikes in Your Water Bill
    The quickest and easiest way to detect a slab leak is to literally follow the money. If your water bill suddenly spikes in cost, particularly if you haven’t been using the water more than you usually would, then it could indicate a leak. Additionally, if the leak cannot be easily spotted, it is likely that there is a problem in a pipe that is tucked away, such as a slab leak.
  2. Noises
    Running water does make a noise, and in fact, this forms one of the many ways professional plumbers can detect a slab leak: high-tech sound detectors. The everyday person most likely don’t have access to this sort of equipment, so keep your ear peeled for sounds of trickles, drips or running water on your property when there is no apparent source.
  3. Puddles and Spots
    If you’re fortunate, the slab leak will form a puddle or even a moist spot where none should occur, waving a big red flag right at the source of the trouble. Nevertheless, even if there is no obvious moisture, you can still detect a slab leak if you notice cold or warm spots on your concrete, where the leaking water below it has altered the temperature.

If you experience any of the warning signs as mentioned above, and believe it could potentially have a slab leak problem, then call us right away!

Plumbing Services

Water Pipe Replacement

3 Signs You Need To Replace Your Water Pipes

Sydney has its share of older houses, and with this comes older plumbing systems that may need upgrades or replacements.

It is not a pleasant possibility to consider, but in a few cases it could be necessary.

Fortunately, you have access to Sydney’s most experienced and highly regarded plumbers on hand to not only replace your worn out pipes, but to do so with efficiency and speed to make your home plumbing system function better.

Here are 3 warning signs that signify your water pipes need to be replaced

  1. Rusty Water
    Seldom, rusty water may come from a hot water heater that needs replacing, typically if the rust or discolouration only appears when you turn on the hot water. If the discolouration arises from both cold and hot water, it means there is corrosion somewhere inside the pipe system itself. A qualified plumber can pinpoint the problem area and safely replace the damaged piping.
  2. Lead Pipes
    Lead pipes are dangerous and are no longer up to code, but there are some old towns in New South Wales where some buildings carry outdated plumbing. This can pose as a health risk to you and your family if left in place; it is of utmost importance you get them replaced as soon as possible.
  3. Leaks and Pits
    Show Up If you can spot corrosion and pitting in your pipes, take that as a wake up call saying they need replacing. Otherwise, they could spring a leak, add rust and/or any other contamination to your clean water in no time. Likewise, if a leak has already been sprung due to that corrosion, then nows the time to replace the corroded pipe, or any pipe for that matter.

Whenever you spot any indication that you need to replace your pipes, call upon the experts at Inline Plumbing to do the job right!


Common House Plumbing Problems to Watch

As the cooler Australian weather approaches, a number of different issues could arise from your plumbing system.

If you aren’t careful, the next few issues can seriously damage your plumbing system and cost you a fortune.

Once you know what to look out for, the sooner you can address the following house plumbing problems and the faster us professional plumbers can respond, which can also help you keep some cash in your pocket.

House Plumbing Problems – Grease in Your Pipes

Rich, warm, hearty foods. What else could you possibly desire during the cooler months.

In the quick mix of it all, be sure that nothing that isn’t supposed to go down your drain, doesn’t go down the kitchen sink. In particular, hot grease, oils and fat should never be poured down the kitchen sink. They will immediately clog all pipes and drains by solidifying in the coolness of your pipes.

The second you spot signs of a blockage in your plumbing, call in a plumber to check it out.


Have A Broken Sewer Pipe? How To Identify & Repair

Your sewerage pipes are responsible for transporting waste from your home to the public sewerage system of your area and are hence a very important system in your home.

However, since it is generally buried underground, it may be difficult to spot the causes of certain problems, and locating the spot needing a repair can also be tricky.

Outlined below are a few of the most common causes of sewer line problems, that, if spotted, can be discussed with a professional Sydney plumber to sort out any repair work needed.

Broken Sewer Pipe

broken sewer pipe can be identified by noting any strange puddles and smells in your yard, or by noticing a drop in water pressure in your home.

Common causes of a broken sewer pipe include corrosion of the piping, tree and plant roots, or a shift in the ground nearby due to any construction projects or simple digging in the yard.

Blocked Sewer Pipes

Clogs in sewerage piping are typically caused by the same culprit; a build-up of icky materials in the pipes, preventing the water from flowing into the sewerage system. (You know what materials we’re talking about).

These back-ups are also commonly caused by complications in the larger civic sewerage system, hence, it is recommended for homes to use an automatic shut-off valve to avoid these complications.

No matter the cause, Inline Plumbing can resolve your sewer line problems. Just give us a call!

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