Having Plumbing Problems?

Having Plumbing Problems?

3 Common Plumbing Problems To Watch Out For In Winter

Winter has arrived in Australia and the cold weather has already started growing over New South Wales.

This poses a great deal of unique risks for your plumbing system, which can result in a big problem if you’re not careful.

Plumbers usually stay very busy during winter, encountering common plumbing problems.

The sooner you are aware of these problems, as well as the more you know what to look for, the faster you can respond and save yourself from a big bill.

1. Grease in Your Pipes

Warm, thick comfort foods are the perfect meals to enjoy during the cooler seasons. Whilst preparing food, be sure that you don’t let anything that could block or clog the drain fall down in it. In particular, you should never pour hot grease and fats down your drain.

They will solidify quickly in the coolness of your pipes and can easily cause blockages if you let them. Avoid at all costs pouring any oils, grease or hot fats down your drain during winter cooking, and if you notice signs of a clog, call in a plumber to check the problem out.

2. Frozen Pipes

Frozen pipes are a huge problem in the outer Sydney suburbs and the regional areas of New South Wales in the winter.

When water freezes in your pipes, it puts a lot of pressure on your plumbing system, potentially even bursting a few pipes.

Luckily, preventing frozen pipes is as easy as running your water outlets and faucets just a tiny bit, only letting them trickle when you turn them off, and by leaving the heat turned on overnight. Plumbers can also insulate pipes that are near an outside wall or in similar troubled spots to keep the water from freezing.

3. Burst Hot Water Systems

The extra burden during the winter months usually sees a spike of hot water systems needing to be replaced. Check your hot water heater for leaks or potential faults.

If you require help with any plumbing problem or have any plumbing concerns, call us today.

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