Automatic Shut Off Valve

Automatic Shut Off Valve

House Flooding – Why You Should Be Installing An Automatic Shut Off Valve

Certainly, most home owners have heard about the troubles of backwater in you plumbing system. In-house flooding is caused by a variety of reasons, and while some sources, such as burst or clogged pipes, are limited to affecting only your home, other sources are completely out of your control to fix.

Big storms and flash flooding, coupled with other few periodic issues with town sewerage systems, can make backwater & house flooding a real concern.

Luckily, an automatic shut-off valve is an easy way to eliminate such concerns and can be easily installed by a professional plumber.

Read on if you are still wondering why an automatic shut off valve is a good idea.

The Problems

The common problem addressed by an automatic shut-off valve is house flooding or leaking in your home. When water rises through your pipes, it can quickly overflow and damage your outlet, creating a great big mess.

Not only can this damage your pipes, but when backwater arises, the water can easily bring in to your home contaminated waste.

Any pipe that flows out of your home can potentially flow back in, because unfortunately, no system is perfect.

The Solution

An automatic shut-off valve is a fairy simple device. Designed to act as a stop gap fighting against flooding, the device is installed at the apex of your homes plumbing system.

This valve allows water to freely flow out of your home, but once a leak, abnormal changes in pressure or a drop in temperature is detected, the main water line will shut off to protect your home from any trouble.

Not only does this act as a great line of defense in your everyday life, but it also comes in handy when you leave your home for holidays.

Call us today for more information on Automatic shut-off valves.

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