Your Hot Water Tank – Repair or Replace?

Your Hot Water Tank – Repair or Replace?

Hot Water System Repair

Before you shell out hard-earned money for a new hot water system lets quickly run through scenarios where your old hot water heater can be repaired.

A corroded hot water tank model is history, finished, kaput, a gonna (I think you get the hint).

But a leaky pressure-relief valve or drain or even a burned-out heating element can often be repaired at a fraction of the cost of a new hot water system.

Rule of thumb:

Consider a hot water heater repair if the labour cost (which warranties will exclude) averages less than $55 per year over the years left in the warranty.

If it doesn’t, buy a new one, especially if the hot water system’s warranty has expired.

The majority of hot water tanks look the same on the outside.

But cutting open a cross-section of electric and gas tank models in the USA Consumer Reports lab clearly confirmed that paying a little more for your hot water system will buy you a better water heater.

Hot water systems with longer warranties generally have thicker insulation, larger heating elements, and longer corrosion-fighting metal anodes. Longer warranties were also a high indication of quality for tankless water heaters.

But keep in mind added complexity can represent other potential problems.

Some tankless heater manufacturers shorten the warranty for tankless water heaters used in multi-family homes or with hard water.

And most recommend service by a qualified hot water plumber once a year.

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