Installation Prices & Costs

Electric Hot Water System Prices

Gas Hot Water System Prices

Heat Pump Hot Water System Prices

Solar Water System Prices

hot water system installation cost

Heat Pump Hot Water System

Installation Cost & Replacement Prices

Heat pump hot water systems work by drawing in the air surrounding the tank. That air becomes the main source of energy, and combined with a very small amount of electricity, generates hot water.

The energy efficiency of heat pump hot water systems makes them a popular choice for eco-conscious consumers and those who are looking to save money long-term.

Heat pump hot water systems cost anywhere between $2500-$5500, and range in size from around 170L-315L.

Supply and install prices are for same size installs / replacements. An additional $185 charge applies where a tempering valve is required.

* Free removal of old tank is included.

hot water system installation cost

Solar Hot Water System

Installation Cost & Replacement Prices

There are many choices available when it comes to choosing solar hot water systems. Options include roof mounted systems, electric boosted split systems and gas boosted split systems.

Roof mounted systems are usually electric-boosted and are popular in houses that get a lot of sun and can support the weight of the tank. They range in price from around $3800 to upwards of $9800.

Split systems can be installed with a tank on the ground and are a good choice if a roof mounted system is too heavy. Electric split systems cost anywhere between $3900-$7900, whereas gas boosted split systems cost around $4900-$8900.

Supply and install prices are for same size installs / replacements. An additional $185 charge applies where a tempering valve is required.

* Free removal of old tank is included.

hot water system installation cost

Instant Electric Hot Water System

Installation Cost & Replacement Prices

Instant water heaters, or tankless water heaters, draw on high amounts of power to give you instant, virtually continuous hot water. They are becoming an incredibly popular choice and can even save energy if you’re using only a small amount of hot water. Instant hot water heaters cost around $680-$1600, depending on the size and model.

Supply and install prices are for same size installs / replacements. An additional $185 charge applies where a tempering valve is required.

* Free removal of old tank is included.

Usage costs & saving money long-term

When considering the hot water system installation cost of your new hot water system, it’s important to factor in usage costs so you can figure out how much money you’ll be spending long-term. Depending on your usage requirements, some hot water systems will work out to be a more economical choice than others. To find out which system will work best for you, get in touch with one of our experts and we’ll be able to help you out.

In general, systems that rely on renewable resources have the lowest running costs, with solar and heat pump systems being the cheapest to run. Electric systems are the most expensive to run, especially during peak time.

So, when it comes to hot water system installation costs, it’s worth considering the big picture to work out how much money you’ll be spending on hot water over time. While solar and heat pump systems are the most expensive to install, they may work out cheaper by the time you’ve paid your bills.

Cost to Install a New Hot Water System & Making the Best Choice

Are you wondering how much it will cost to install a new hot water system? Want to know how you can make the best choice to save money in the long run? Afraid of hidden costs and expensive usage fees?

There are many factors that go into the pricing of a hot water system, so the how much you spend should ultimately depend on your needs and budget. In this guide, the hot water plumbing experts at Inline Plumbing take you through the different factors involved in determining the hot water system installation cost so you can make the best decision for your home or business.

Contact us on Inline Plumbing today on 1300 465 463 and we can help you find the best hot water system for your needs and budget.

Hot Water Usage for Your Home or Business

The first things you’ll need to think about when considering hot water system installation cost and how much you should spend on a hot water system are your needs and usage requirements. Ultimately, bigger homes need bigger hot water heaters, which are generally more expensive to purchase.

Some of the questions you should ask yourself when determining your household needs include:

  • How big is my home?
  • How many people will be using hot water?
  • What are everyone’s schedules and when will they need access to hot water?
  • Do I need continuous hot water?
  • How much money am I willing to spend upfront?
  • Am I concerned about energy efficiency and usage costs?

Answering these questions will help you narrow down the list of potential hot water system installation costs so you can create a shortlist of ones that meet your needs. For example, if you live in an apartment or small home, you can safely rule out any of the large capacity heaters, saving you both space and money.

To make sure you’re truly getting the best unit for your home or business, it’s important to talk to an expert who can answer all your questions and provide the best heater for you. Contact the team at Inline Plumbing on 1300 465 463 and we’ll be happy to help!

Size & Type of Hot Water Heater Needed for Your Home or Business

Perhaps the biggest factor in price is the size and type of hot water heater unit. Electric units are generally the cheapest, followed by gas, then solar, with heat pump units being the most expensive.

It’s important to remember that the initial cost doesn’t paint the full picture – while you may be put off by the price of a solar or heat pump unit, they are generally cheaper to run than their electric counterparts. For this reason, it’s important to take a deep dive into hot water system installation costs and consider how they fit within your budget.

Government Rebates

The Australian government has rebates and incentives available for people who wish to purchase an energy-efficient hot water system. Depending on your selected system, you could be provided with a rebate of up to around $1200, so it’s worth checking your eligibility and factoring these into your plan.

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