Pros and Cons of Tankless Water Heaters

Pros and Cons of Tankless Water Heaters

However, the initial costs of a tankless water heater system can be significantly higher than that of standard water tank models

The Benefits Of A Tankless Hot Water System

A few perks of owning a tankless water heater includes the space saved by not owning a water tank, the endless supply of hot water and lower energy bills.

These benefits may not be convincing enough for some people to cancel out the additional costs and installation expenses.

Tankless water heaters can cost up to three times more than traditional storage heaters

Tankless water heaters can cost up to three times more than traditional storage heaters, excluding the expenses of hiring a qualified plumber. Even so, not all houses are capable of supporting a tankless water heating system.

Homes with electric-only utilities may need to have their electrical system upgraded before being compatible with a tankless water heating system.

This will require hiring an electrician to rewire your home and can add as much as $5000 to the overall expenses of converting to a tankless water heater. Yet many homeowners see the merits of owning a tankless water heater as more than the energy savings.

These tankless water heating options are environmentally friendly, as they will not rust and serve their time in landfill. They also have on average a twenty year lifespan with a longer warranty and will save you plenty of space in your home.

The warranty for a tankless water heater is usually fifteen years, as opposed to the average six year warranty on traditional water heating tanks.

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